
Recovery or torture?

Posted on Mon Mar 10th, 2025 @ 11:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Amelia Gordon

218 words; about a 1 minute read

Amelia lay in the medical ward in pain. Somehow she would have thought technology would have progressed enough to instantly remove pain and discomfort after getting tossed about inside a lab. To her dismay, that was not the case. While they had been able to do a lot with the technology, it appears that some injuries were better left to the old-fashioned remedy of traction and time. Her ribs still ached but at least the bones had been knitted together. It was her hip that kept her confined now and she wanted to scream every time she moved even slightly in an attempt to get more comfortable.

She counted slowly, trying to steady her breathing again. She had been sleeping on and off for some time. If she had to guess, it was late. There was a quietness that made her think they might be on gamma shift. Of course, it could just be that everyone was exhausted and resting after the influx of so many patients so soon.

She let out a short huff, lay back on the lumpy pillow and closed her eyes again. She really had nothing to do but sleep at the moment, she thought to herself as she let out a little sigh. With that thought she drifted off to sleep once more.



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