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Watching you.

Posted on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 6:40pm by Captain James Stewart & Lieutenant JG Jane Twicepot

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: New Home
Location: Captains ready room.
Timeline: Current



After handing in her transfer papers Twicepot got her room allocation and security codes. Jane was quite relieved that she was not sharing a room. Although as a child back home in Oz she had shared with her two sisters. At her last posting, she had been alone and had gotten quite used to it. Once she had freshened up came the difficult part of visiting Captain Stewart.

He would no doubt have seen her service record and those hiccups. She was surprised that her new CO had allowed her to be the new Assistant Chief of Security. After all, Jane had stunned the rather overweight wife of Terrence Van Peltz. The most influential entrepreneur in the sector by doing so gave the woman a heart attack. Then there was that incident with those 50 tribbles finding their way onto the Klingon Ambassador to Earth's ship. How could the base Commander have even thought she was responsible? After the Klingon had complained she had locked up his pet Targ because he had bitten one of her security team. Plus those other small hiccups in her career.

No. Jane knew she would have to be careful here. Twicepot needed to be on her very best behavior when she met Captain Stewart. So after washing and smartening herself up. She proceeded to his ready room after pressing the door chime. Jane stood to attention until he called her inside.

James had been sent an emergency message with an attached service jacket of Lieutenant Jg Jane Twicepot, who once held the rank of Lieutenant Commander, As he continued to read the file, he noticed the main reason for her demotion to Lieutenant JG. and that was that she had stunned the wife of an influential figure in the sector, which to him was not good and he had used his pull to have her demoted down to that Rank.

As with all politics His Brother Eric being the only human on the Klingon High Council, it had fallen to him to take matters into his own hands and get the officer posted to the Churchill and only inform the Captain that she was on her way and the Churchill still had only half systems working due to the Engineers at Space dock not completing the update to the computer core.

He called “ Come,”

Making a good impression on the Captain would be important. After all, he would expect a firebrand who considers rules for others to follow. Ok. That was her down to a tee usually but Jane had to prove she could be a good team member. She missed her extra pips and wanted them back.

So back stiff arms out straight she marched into his office when called. Making sure she did not trip over her troublesome ego. Then she stood to attention before him.

“ Lieutenant Commander……..sorry…..Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Twicepot is reporting for duty. Captain.” She said internally swearing at her slip at the beginning.

"Wellcome aboard Lieutenant," replied James as he stood up and held out his hand for her to shake, as he had just finished reading her service jacket, he started to wonder what triggered her anger and maybe the ship's counselor could help her.

Twicepot shook the Captain's hand and then returned to attention. Jane was determined to start as she meant to go on. If she could win the Captain over, she was a good officer. Then her collar would soon hold some weight again.

"Thank you, Captain. I have heard nothing but good things about the Churchill." She said.

"Thank you," replied James, he said, "Would you like a drink?" as he hoped that his replicator was functioning ok this morning.

Jane could do with a nice cold glass of beer. But protocol kangaroo of the Alpha quadrant would start waving its paws.

“ A glass of sweet green tea please Captain,” Jane asked.

She noticed that the replicator slot was oddly flashing its lights.

“ Um, Captain should that be doing that?” Twicepot asked.

" No, it should not," replied James as he knew that something odd was going on with his ship, he asked, "So, tell me in your own words Lieutenant how did you get busted down to your Curant rank?" as he wanted to hear her side of things before he made a judgement.

Jane decided to tell her new CO the truth.

“ O.K. I found Bubbles Van Peltz crying one day. Her husband treats her like dirt, he never takes any notice of her. So we hatched this plan to get him to treat her like his wife again. She would resist arrest for shoplifting and I would stun her. But things did not go to plan. Bubbles never told me she had a heart condition. The poor cow had a heart attack, believe me, Captain, if I had known. Would not have done it.” Jane said.

"So, How did that go?" replied James looking back at Jane as he leaned back in his chair and read the outcome in her file, it had not gone so well for Jane.

Jane looked at her reflection on the glass coffee table. She saw her collar pips and shook her head.

“ The bastards throw the bloody book at me. I’d be an Ensign now if Mrs Van Peltz had not recovered enough to plead my case. I would be in a world of shit shoveling crap into a bottomless pit. Thankfully they listened but I still got busted down to a bloody Jay Gee. But I would do it all again if someone needed help, sir.” Jane said

" I understand Lieutenant," replied James looking back at her, he continued "but if you work hard here I can see you getting that rank back," as he knew that Jane had a lot on her plate right now, he said so what is the status of Security?"

“ Well. Do you want the truth Captain or a solid gold turd of a lie?” Jane said

"Yes I do" replied James looking at Jane as he knew that Jane had been below decks while Grimes was still on the bridge helping to Co-ordinating the department. he wanted her opinion on the status below decks with systems going haywire.

“ We are running around like demented Kangaroos…” Jane said.

"I see, have you spoken with Lieutenant Grimes?" replied James looking back at the assistant chief of Security knowing that both officers needed to get their departments in order, as he leaned back in his chair.

" Not yet Sir," replied Jane looking back at the Churchill Co, " But I do intend to," as she leaned back into her chair and familiarized herself with the Churchill, as the Luna class vessel was top of the line and pleased to be assigned to it. She asked, " Is that all sir?"

James replied, " No that's all Lieutenant" Looking back at the young Security officer as he remembered what it was like when he was that age, he finished " Dismissed" as he watched her rise from her seat and exit his ready room, he wondered who else might be assigned to his staff.




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