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Spiders & Skeletons

Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 1:44am by Lieutenant Commander Katana Rochelle Stewart & Lieutenant JG Jane Twicepot

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: New Home
Location: First officers office.
Timeline: Back Post>

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-Firing range-

The target was completely obliterated as Jane fired at it a multitude of times. She could feel the weapon getting hot in her hands. As she continued a stray memory came to mind , one she had thought buried.

The USS Edinburgh had received a distress signal from a mining colony. They were under attack by a rogue group of Ferengi. Two teams were dispatched and Jane led one. There was an Ensign that she had been quite friendly with at the start. Helen Hughes or HH as she liked to be called. But as time went on , it was clear that starship life was not for HH. Many wondered how she had ever got through the academy.

It was just before they were due to leave in the rescue shuttles.When HH begged to go on Janes team. But Twicepot refused telling her friend that her team had trained together and had rehearsed the plan. In truth she knew her friend was not a very good officer and that the Captain was having her removed soon.

Even though the Ferengi put up a good fight. The teams were able to beat them but it took a while. Jane remembered her phaser Rifle getting very hot. Hence the old memory with her weapon now. There were casualties both sides as well although thankfully not on her team.

However, when they returned, Jane was very surprised to hear her friend was in the brig. It seemed she had managed to get on the other team. But at a crucial time during the fire fight was no where to be found. A couple of the team were killed due to her being missing. Afterwards she claimed to have been trapped by hostile fire. But when her gun was checked it was cold and fully charged. It had never been fired.

Twicepot never saw HH again although she heard her ex friend had made up some story. About Jane being jealous of her popularity on the USS Edinburgh and sabotaged her gun. So HH had to use it as a club instead but it was clear that was a lie. As there was no physical damage to the weapon.

Jane stopped firing and realised her comm. badge was chirping.

=/\= Twicepot here?=/\= she said

=/\= Lt. Twicepot can you report to my office when possible. It's time we met. =/\= Katana said as she finished reading the profile of the Lieutenant.

=/\= On my way.=/\= Twicepot said

Jane gave an outward sigh and rubbed her hands. She suspected that the Commander had read through her file. Probably seen those few incidents, where Janes Australian/Irish temper had got the best of her.

Oh well. She made her way to the Commanders office. Once there she pressed the door chime and waited to be let in.

Hearing the chime, Katana said "Enter" and admitted Twicepot into her office. "How's engineering? She is up to standards? Get what ever you want from the replicator and sit and relax I don't bite you know. Growl yes, bark, yes, but bite? Not yet although there are times," she finished saying waiting for the Lieutenant to finish and sit.

Jane looked at Katana after she received a mug of Green Tea. Engineering? Maybe she was here by mistake? Would the XO be as angry as a demented Emu , if Jane told her the truth?

“ I am sorry Commander but there has been a mistake. I am from Security not Engineering.” Jane said.

"Well now that is a first for me. Getting my new crew mixed up?", Katana said laughing. "Please excuse the error and have a seat and relax. If you haven't heard yet I am only part Klingon and part Betazoid and you are quite anxious at the moment. Calm down as I have read your bio. Please tell me about yourself and don't leave out the little incidents. We can discuss them in due time. I like my security officer's honesty above all. You make a mistake and come clean, we have no problems. So... Let's get started", Katana said smiling.

“ Well I grew up in Australia in a town called Lucindale. Having a surname like mine I was the butt of many a bad teasing. So I learnt to punch harder than the bully. My father was from Ireland and virtually encouraged me but my mother being a local girl was not so pleased. That kind of set things up for me. Trouble always seems to follow me. I was only helping Mrs Van Pelts her heart attack was not my fault.” Jane said.

"Well, I dare say you will be a fine security chief here on the Churchill. Did some security work on another ship but engineering was my love but got promoted here and became the XO. But, I still get my hands dirty at times, " Katana said.

“ Chief? I thought you were toying with the idea for me to be Assistant Chief of Security. Then again will fleet allow you to have me in that role. Only as far as they are concerned I am as volatile as a deranged bug eyed Kangaroo.” Jane said

"What I had intended to say was Asst. Chief but it came out as Chief. A little goof on my part. However, if the time does opo up, I'm sure James would go ahead and give you a shot", Katana said smiling. Today was a day that her words didn't quite work out to the way she had intended. Slightly embarrassed, she watched for his reaction.

“ To be honest I have tried being the top kangaroo and that was about as welcome as a swarm of bees at a barbecue. No assistant is fine for a girl with my reputation.” Jane said.

A sudden jolt was felt and the klaxon started screaming. "Oh shit? What happened? Jane get to be engineering. I have to get toy bridge nor go and hurry", Katana shouted as she pushed Jane and herself through the door and both ran to their respective places.



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