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Transfer arrival

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 9:26pm by Lieutenant Callisi Veera & Captain James Stewart & Lieutenant Commander Sherlock Grimes & 2nd Lieutenant K'Roa Mroll

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Milk Run
Location: Bridge- USS Churchill


A sleek black-colored small ship dropped out of warp not far from the Churchill. It's not until the Churchill gets a hail that it registers on their sensors. The ship is classified as a Caitian fighter and all weapons and shields are powered down as it waits for a reply

=/\=Caitian fighter Mro'lar requesting permission to board the Churchill.=/\= The message played on repeat every few seconds as it waited

=Bridge- Uss Churchill=

James Sat on the bridge waiting for the report on the status of the shutdown when he looked at the screen with the fighters that were whizzing about outside the ship protecting the Churchill and looked at the arm of his chair and noticed a message, he said: " Lieutenant Veera, Where is that Hail coming from?" as he knew that it could be one of the fighters chatting.

In the heart of Operations, Callisi turned to her shift second, "Okay, get me what you can on sensors, sweep quadrants if you have to. They're in hailing range so no need for the deep antennae." she looked at her department. Jacobson gave a nod, "Yes sir. Adams, bring up sensor suite seven, wide angle, low yield. Merrida, sensor suite nineteen, same amplitude."

The response came back quickly. "There's a small craft at zero three seven mark one. Source of the hail."

Callisi gave a nod, "Excellent...." before responding to the chime, "Operations to Bridge. There's a small fighter at Zero Three Seven mark One. Caitian silhouette. No hostile systems are active. It's just waiting for a response, sir."

" What is the Hail asking Lieutenant?" before making any decisions as he looked back at the screen in front of him, he continued " And put it on screen," as he started to rub his chin as he knew that a fighter from the Caitian fleet on its own out here was rather suspicious.

"Systems aren't as productive on the tertiary systems, but they'll accomplish." She stated back, with a nod to her crew. "They're... requesting permission to board, sir."

The image of the Caitian fighter appeared on the screen. Was it the usual crisp and vivid image? Just about. It was asking the human eye to tell the difference, at a glance, between a 4k resolution image and an 8k resolution image. Was it possible? Hardly, but the notion of it being possible impacted Callisi's professionalism. "Apologies if the screen quality is less than optimal."

"That's fine Lieutenant, tell the Polt Permission granted and open the bay doors," replied James as he stood up and walked over towards his Ready Room " Tell him/her to report to my ready Room," as he looked over at his wife, he said " Commander Stewart, you have the Con" as the doors opened and James entered the room.

"Aye." and she cut the comm to the bridge. "Jacobson, get me a line out to the incoming fighter, and prep the shuttle bay doors."

"Yes sir." was the reply. Adams perked up, "Sir, you have a line out."

Callisi paused for a moment, "Attention incoming Caitian Fighter, this is the USS Churchill. Your request for boarding has been granted. Approach on vector One Seven Four. Repeat, One Seven Four. Upon arrival, you are to report to the Captain's Ready Room. How copy?"

A holdover from the days of her service.

The caitian fighter started to make its approach by the designated trajectory. The Churchill received the following message: "Affirmative, Fighter Mro'lar inbound. I will report to the captain's ready room in a few minutes, Fighter Mro'lar out" The fighter entered the open shuttle bay and disappeared from external sensors.

=/\= This is Captain Stewart, I will be happy to have you aboard,=/\= replied James as he stood up from his seat as he knew that this was the best news all day.

A few moments later after the fighter had been secured, K'roa had his small bag in hand and headed to deck 1 and the captain's ready room in silent feet. His stripped fur was slicked back and he wore only tight pants to conform to the human standards though, like many of his people, he preferred to be without the constraints of clothing. He stopped outside the door and palmed the chime.

"Come" replied James leaning back in his chair and taking a sip of the hot beverage so that he could unwind for a while and also meet the new crew that was being reassigned to the Churchill after the disaster that had been a shakedown cruise, James hoped that this next one was better than the last. He glanced over at the service jacket that had just been sent to him moments ago and hoped that this officer would keep the flight crew in order.

TBC in the Captain's Ready Room!


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